TRUSTMEHER FREE SCRIPTS: ----------------------- ----------------------- 3 PAGE REFRESH SCRIPT: REDIRCT TO ANOTHER PAGE: ------------------------ Use the script below to redirect the user to another web page after a few seconds. You can change the value in seconds to redirect to the new page. The script below is set to redirect to another page in 5 seconds. Change the value of 5 to any value of your choice, and also change the URL= to your own web page. Put this script between the tag. --------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) PAGE REDIRECT --------------------------------------- (2) JAVASCRIPT PAGE REDIRECT (KEEP ABOVE CODE IN THE HEAD SECTION OF THE WEB PAGE. IT MAY WORK WITH .HTM, .HTML OR .PHP ALL. CHANGE THE WEB PAGE URL TO YOUR OWN URL. Put this script before the tag.) --------------------------------------------- (3) PHP PAGE REDIRECT (SAVE THE CODE AS YOUR fileName.php and CHANGE THE REDIRECT LOCATION URL) (3) ASP PAGE REDIRECT JUST KEEP THE BELOW LINE AND SAVE AS PAGENAME.ASP <% response.redirect "" %> OR THIS <% Response.Redirect "whatever_the_page_is_called.asp" %> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Get more scripts and freewares at : Domain Registration | Web Hosting | Freewares | -----------------------------------------------