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Poona. 1


My dear Amiya,

Despite His strict Seclusion, your Beloved Ashutosh-Baba heard your appeal and I read out your "broken-verse" appeal and your letter to me.

In reply to yours, Baba wants me to convey to you and your mother that He wants you to take good treatment from your doctors and continue to do so till you feel better. In addition to the medicines given to you by your doctors and the diet prescribed, Beloved Baba wants you to drink a quarter-cup of fresh cabbage-juice daily without adding salt to it. Gradually you may increase the intake to half a cup of cabbage juice, if you feel that you can easily take it. Baba wants you NOT to worry at all and He wants you to become happy and cheerful. Baba says that His "Nazar" is on you and you should regain confidence in yourself.

Beloved Baba sends His LOVE to you and your sweet-dear Mummy.

Yours lovingly,


Baba and mandali will leave Poona on 7th August for Meherazad-Ahmednagar


Editor's footnote: "Ashutosh" in this letter means "Quickly Satisfied." It was Amiya's mischief to give Baba this label in the letter Amiya wrote to Baba to complain about his misery.

Amiya: "Baba was not taking notice of my troubles. For six months I was having diarrhea, and I had written many letters to him, and every time He would say, 'Be courageous, my nazar is on you, don't despair' and such things, but I wanted Him to give me an early cure. Ashutosh was a name for Lord Krishna, who was not slow to offer quick cures to His sick devotees. It was a sweet, mischievous dig at Baba, to force Him to help me quickly. Baba took it seriously, not as a joke. Thus, within a few days I was OK." The letter has the cabbage juice cure in it mentioned in Memoirs of a Zetetic.

Link to the next letter.