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22 September 1964

Dear Amiya,

We received your letter of 19 September 1 and also the letter by Shri P. Rammoorthy. Today we have by Baba's order sent Baba's love-blessings to P. Rammoorthy and also the following message 2: "The world itself is a drama and everything and everyone -- whether conscious or unconscious, animate or inanimate -- are characters in this play. But they all are in the grip of illusion, and therefore are not able to realize that they are just playing roles in a drama. They also do not realize that whatever roles they are playing are merely unreal. If a person acts the part of a king in a play, he must behave like a king in front of the audience, but of course he knows that he is not a king. Naturally he is not attached to the role to a great extent. Similarly let everyone understand this very well: whatever role each person plays in the world is only a role, in a drama that is false and illusory. When you grasp this, you will start losing your attachment to these roles and you will then turn your attention towards the writer of this world drama -- God. You will become centred in the truth, which will help you to understand the falsehood of the world drama."

I have sent a hurried message to Shri Rammoorthy. Please visit him and compare it with what he received from me to see if there is any mistake on my part. If there is any mistake, then please compare it with this message and get it corrected. We hope that Modi Amateur Dramatic Club will have a nice program, done well, and that many people will attend it and come to know about Baba.

I gather that you have started learning music in a very good way, and day after day are making progress in music. Your voice is very good, and you can become, without doubt, a very good singer.

Baba is pleased with you and He sends His love to you, to Matajee, to Gauri, to Rajani and other lovers, and his love-filled kiss to Mehernandini.

Jai Baba



1. (Laughs) "I must have been plaguing them with letters and letters, and they were happily suffering from the correspondence. I once stopped corresponding, because there were lots of bans, and Baba got uneasy. And He sent a letter to me, in which He asked His mandali to inquire why he does not send letters any more. Bhau said that he has been very obedient. Baba said, 'No, tell him to write a letter'" (more laughter) "So you know when Baba dropped His body, we could not write letters any more and He would not read any of our letters any more, and it was a kind of spiritual widowhood for us. An orphanage."

2. This message has been rephrased by the editor, who took Professor Hazra's comment that he had not rendered it well in the tape that the editor was transcribing, and urged him to rewrite it to make it more clear and terse. Beloved Baba's real words are in Hindi, of course.

Link to the next letter.