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24th October 1964

Dear Amiya,

We received your letter of 21st October along with a leaflet giving Baba's life sketch. In the message that Baba gave, there were certain printing mistakes which you have corrected. We hope that these corrections will have been incorporated in all the leaflets before their distribution takes place.

Your letter was read out to Baba and Baba felt very pleased to hear it.

Sri Pankhrajjee had written to us about the hard work Sri Ghosh has been doing for Baba and the money he spends on that work. Baba expressed great pleasure when this was communicated to Him, and He sends His love blessings to Sri Ghosh.

We have sent, through Sri Pankhrajjee, Baba's love to the secretary Sri Rammoorthy and the members of the Modi Amateur Dramatic Club. It is hoped that he [Pankhraj] would convey Baba's love to them.

From Pankhrajjee's letter we learned that Rajani Kant is a very influential Baba worker and almost all his time is spent in doing Baba's work. Hearing this, Baba has become very much pleased with Rajani, and sends him His love.

Pankrajjee has very highly praised 1 all the workers and he hopes that Jabalpur will become a very prosperous Baba center in a short while. He has also praised Sri Munirajjee for his cooperation and from his letter we came to know that Jabalpur is an ideal Baba center.

Baba was pleased to learn that Mamajee has become ready to translate God Speaks. Baba sends him His love.

We hope that you will receive the block prints of the photo of Baba wearing the crown from Sri Keshav Narayanjee. At present, Keshav Narayanjee is very busy in preparing for the mela, 2 but after the mela ends he will definitely send you the block prints.

We have noted the other things you have told us in your letter.

Baba is pleased with you and sends His love to you, Gauri, Taranath and Ganguli and His love-filled kiss to His dear Mehernandini.

Jai Baba

Affectionately yours,


1. Amiya: We had already learned that when we heard praise of this sort we were in for a difficult time in its aftermath.

2. "Mela" means fair

Link to the next letter.