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8th November 1964

Dear Sister Gauri,

Baba wants you to pay special attention to His dear Mehernandini and not allow her to fall ill. This is the season of colds, therefore Baba wants that she should not be allowed to play with water, and she should not be allowed to eat anything that might spoil her health.

Baba says that you are very intelligent, that's why you should now start studying Baba's literature fully well, and during your free time should mix with the women and help them to know about Baba and do Baba's work. In the beginning it will be difficult for you to do this, but by and large you will be able to make a Meher women's centre1 at this end with your work. If you do this job, it will also make you remember Baba constantly and on the other side it will make other ladies come into Baba's contact.

Baba is pleased with you and sends you and Amiya His love and also His love-filled kiss to Mehernandini.

Jai Baba

Yours fraternally and affectionately,


1. Gauri: "I had started the center, but the wife of the then secretary torpedoed the project, saying that instead of coming all that way, she would give a sum equivalent to her travel expenses to the Jabalpur center. Gradually it broke up."

Amiya: "She began to do this. Some ladies came but eventually the thing dwindled. But, she followed Baba's order and gave it a good try."

Link to the next letter.