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2nd March 1965

Dear Amiya,

Your letter of 27th February was received and was read out to Beloved Baba. Baba wants you to work for Him up to 10 PM in the night 1 and not to worry about it.

In Poona, Baba will give His darshan from first of May to sixth of May only. Therefore you tell Seth Govindas about this.

Baba is pleased with you and He sends His love to you, to Gauri, and His love-filled kiss to Mehernandini.

Jai Baba

Affectionately yours,


1. Amiya: "Again I stop the letter and tell you that there had been a letter of complaint from Gauri to Baba, which I really took exception to -- I didn't like it at all. The letter said that Your son, Amiya Kumar, comes at about 12 or sometimes at 1 in the morning hours after the programmes. You know, these programmes were in the nature of love, and love does not look at wristwatches. Those people were so eager to talk to me about Baba, and so interested to hear talks, Baba stories, about Baba, and they had done so much labor, making a stage and all that, it would have been breaking their hearts to leave them exactly at 10, 'OK, Jai Baba, now we can not talk about Baba any more.' So I felt very much annoyed with Mrs. Hazra for writing that letter to Baba of this type, 'Baba please tell him that he should stop working for you after 10'. I couldn't see anything good in it. But Baba sided with her. I said, 'For once I am not going to obey you, Avatar. I am not going to look at the wristwatch, I am going to look at the man sitting in front of me. If he's interested I have to be with him, unless I fall physically ill and I'm unable to speak and tell him the stories he wanted to hear.' Well, here was a difference of opinion. You can say that it was bad on my part to be disobedient to Baba. Well, I don't know. My heart didn't agree. So here is this letter and it says do your work up until ten and then do not worry about it, but I worried about it a lot. Now my wife feels very happy. She says, 'Baba approved my idea.'"

Link to the next letter.