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31st July 1966

Dear Amiya,

Both your letters of 26 July were received here and were read out to Baba and He felt so happy. You have given the right advice to your friend. Baba wants that he should not be afraid of anything, and should not worry about anything. Baba is with him and He sends His love to him.

We received your nephew's letter and we sent him Baba's love. You also send him Baba's love-blessings. We have written to Keshav Babu that he should send a set of the books.

Benares Baba Centre has been blessed by Baba. Baba is proud of His lovers and workers in Jabalpur, and He is immensely pleased with you all. Baba wants only this kind of Baba workers, who can go all around and spread the beams of Baba's love. You all are fortunate, you all are very dear to Baba, and you are Baba's diamonds1.

Baba sends His love to you, to Matajee, to Gauri, and to dear Mehernandini and Meher Kumar His love filled kisses.

Affectionately yours,


1. In a wry tone, Amiya remarks, aside, "Everybody is flattered" and giggles... "and then He punches us."

Link to the next letter.