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20th December 1966

Dear Amiya,

Your letter of 16th December was received and read out to Baba, and He was immensely pleased to hear the contents. Today we have sent Baba's messages for the programmes at Rewa, and we will also send Baba's love-blessings for the programmes at the proper time.

You go for dear Meher Kumar's operation without any worry. Baba's nazar is on him, and therefore do not be anxious at all.

Songs are now yearning to be sung by your sweet voice, and when you go on singing those songs in your sweet voice, one day your whole life will transform itself into a song. We hope that the Rewa programmes will be successful and dear Gokaran1 will feel happier.

Baba is very much pleased with you, and He sends His love to you, to Matajee, to Gauri, and to Mehernandini and Meher Kumar His love-filled kiss.

Jai Baba

Yours affectionately,


1. It was at Gokaran's sister's that the centre was opened, and it was a beautiful programme. Lots of Baba lovers came from all sorts of places in Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.

Link to the next letter.