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15th October 1968

Dear Amiya,

Your letter of 12th October was received here and we felt so happy to receive it. Beloved Baba has given you the order to give speeches on Him, and tell people about Him. Obeying Him in this is like drinking sharbat1, which when drunk makes makes words of nectar come out [from your tongue] in the form of garlands. Drink only that sharbat [taste no other wine], and your tongue will spontaneously get the energy from it and you will be able to make homes for Baba in heart after heart.

This summer2 the horizons will be receding, and the sun will appear and those people who are ready and yearning to see the sun will definitely have a glimpse of the sun.

We received the information about Jabalpur programmes and we hope that all of those programmes must have been very successful.

We send our loving Jai Baba to you, Matajee and Sister Gauri and we send our love to dear Mehernandini and Meher Kumar.

Yours affectionately,


1. Editor's note: In India, "sharbat" is not quite the same thing as the West's "sherbet." The Indian version is a cold, fruit-flavored drink, not solidified in the same way and degree as ice cream.

2. Editor's note: This message came within 4 months of Beloved Baba dropping His body. Was Bhau alluding to the idea that by summer Baba would no longer be available in the same way as before? At the time Amiya failed to draw this inference, but with hindsight he wonders.

Link to the next letter.