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6th December 1968

Dear Amiya,

Your letter of 2nd December was received here, and it was read out to Beloved Baba, and He felt so happy. The rights of publication of God Speaks are with Sufism Reoriented, and therefore permission for publication of the Bengali translation you have to seek from them, and you do that. The supplement also has got to be translated. It is necessary, because unless the whole book is translated, the Sufism Reoriented people will not give their permission.

When the translation is completed, you can ask Gopinathjee to write the introduction.

If you know Bengali, then please go through the translation minutely or otherwise make some arrangement that someone who knows Bengali well goes through the translation. The translation has to be absolutely proper and accurate.

Baba is pleased with you, and sends His love to you, to Matajee, to Sister Gauri, and His love-filled kiss to dear Mehernandini and Meher Kumar.

Jai Baba

Yours affectionately,


Link to the next letter.