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From: Eruch B. Jessawala

c/o Avatar Meher Baba

King's Rd., Post Bag 31



Shri A. K. Hazra


20th July 1994

JABALPUR, 482 001

(M. P.)

Our very dear brother Amiya,

"Jai Meher Baba"

You can have no idea how often you have been remembered by Meherazad men and women mandali, Whenever His dear lovers from Jabalpur visit Meherazad, our first question after greetings of "Jai Baba!" is how is dear brother Amiya? So, I was glad to receive your undated postcard yesterday during a busy day at the Avatar Meher Baba Trust Office.

I have shared the contents with sister Mani and Meherazad men and women mandali and they join me in sending you much love in Beloved Baba. And, most especially, we invoke Beloved Avatar Meher Baba's Love-Blessings to be on you to give you strength and health to complete your new book "Of Men and Meher Baba."

Your postcard has been offered at Beloved Baba's Seat in Mandali Hall, Meherazad. May your love for and faith in your Beloved Lord Avatar Meher Baba continue to be the remedy for all ailments of the heart, mind and body!

Dear brother, you are so often with us at Meherazad in Mandali Hall, Meherazad, when we share stories of His Love. Your book, "Memoirs of a Zetetic" is a real favourite of His lovers from around the globe.


Yours lovingly,


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