Seth Govindas

A member of Parliament, a celebrated writer of novels and dramas, a person who was very popular and a seeker of God.

A little background (from Amiya) on Seth Govindas: Seth Govindas' grandfather had donated very liberally, and was given the title of Rajah by the British. The son (Seth Govindas' father), gave the High Court Building of Jabalpur. When Seth Govindas came along, he became a rebel child, a freedom fighter, whereas his father and grandfather had given so much to the British. Seth Govindas was jailed several times by the British. A writer of many books, Seth Govindas was a champion of Hindi as the national language. He also fought against the slaughter of cows. Seth Govindas was a member of parliament with the longest history of re-election by his constituency, at least at the time.

Amiya remarked that Sethjee was a very good person.

Editor's note: To tell you the full story of Seth Govindas is a little unfair, because you may miss the fun of how it develops through the letters. So, I'll merely encourage the reader to follow through it, noting how keen Beloved Baba was to offer the opportunity of His darshan to Seth Govindas. The degree of emphasis on Seth Govindas may be indicated by the fact that he is mentioned in letters 64, 66, 69, 73, 77, 80, 81, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 91, 95, 96, 118, and 120 spanning from 25 August 1964 to 15 July 1966. However, elsewhere Amiya notes that it seemed to him that Beloved Baba often gave them jobs to do whose main reason was to help them keep their minds on Baba, so the intent of instructions is not always aligned with the content of the instruction.