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19th November 1964

Dear Amiya,

Your letter of 16 November was received by us and was read out to Baba. Baba wants you to remind us about Seth Govindas after the parliamentary session is over. Baba does not give any word or promise to give him His darshan before the month of May. But, if you remind us about it, Baba may see to it, and will give His final decision1.

Baba is happy with you and Baba sends His love to you, and to Gauri and His love-filled kiss to Mehernandini.

Jai Baba

Yours affectionately,


1. Seth Govindas was very eager to go to Beloved Baba, and I took him, eventually for Baba's darshan. Before that, it was to be decided when Baba would be in a mood to give him His darshan, so that's what this letter is about.

Link to the next letter.