Ramanujji Varma

Editor's note: The story, as told to Amiya by Ramanujji Varma, is that he wanted to have Baba's love-blessings himself, but he didn't have Baba's address, so he couldn't write a letter to that effect. But shortly afterwards, to his great surprise, the postman brought him a letter from Baba giving him and his wife Baba's love-blessings. He told Amiya that this letter convinced him about Baba's divinity as well as His loving compassion.

Ramanujji is the elder brother of Ram Kumar Varma, and his son is Ashok Kumar Varma. Ram Kumar Varma is a noted and quite famous dramatist in the Hindi literature of India.

But, there is quite a lot more to the story of Ramanujji Varma. At a certain point Varma was dying of cancer. The mandali (Bhau) told Amiya that if Ramanujji would write one letter to Baba, and if it came at the right time, Baba might undertake to cure him. Amiya told Ramanujji to write the letter, but no such letter was written. By 4th August 1964, it was too late, as Bhau states in this letter to Amiya and follows up on the topic of whim in this letter. Apparently (but read the letters themselves if this interests you -- my comments aren't even cliff notes), Beloved Baba has certain moods in which the whim to offer a cure might be present. But, although that mood might have been operative when Bhau told Amiya to tell Ramanujji to write the letter, it had passed by the 4th August.

Eventually, Baba told him that he was certainly going to die now, but it would be nice if he would constantly remember Baba, that it would materially make his state after death different.